Quick Strength Workout and Yoga Flow

Happy Monday, friends!

This summer has been flying by, although I feel every day is on super speed. The other day I listened to a podcast episode where the guy was talking about how time felt fast and out of control for him. To get control of his time, he started to focus on the present moment. If he was making a sandwich, he would only think about spreading the mayo, then adding meat, then adding cheese, etc. He wouldn’t think about anything else. I thought that was a brilliant idea.

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Quick Strength Workout & Yoga Flow

Happy Tuesday, friends!

I’ve been spending a lot of time decluttering and organizing my home these past couple of weeks. It feels like it’s been a long time coming. I typically wait until my kids are out of school, so that they can have some input into what we donate or trash. Last Friday, my kids and I tackled their bedroom and clothes. It took us 4 hours from start to finish. I ended up walking over 7 miles in my house decluttering! That’s crazy.

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45 Minute Strength Workout & Yoga Flow

Hi, friends! Happy June. I can hardly believe this year is halfway over. I’m bummed by how fast time is flying by, but super happy it’s summer.

It’s been a while since I last posted. At first, I stopped posting because I needed to focus more of my time on my business and then I wasn’t posting because I didn’t know what to say.

I have a lot of information and content to share on nutrition and yoga, but I get in my head thinking it has all been said. I know that this isn’t the best mindset to have and definitely not true. It’s just that negative mindsets and limiting beliefs have a way of snowballing into a big ball of self-doubt.

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Strength and Plyometric Workout

Strength and Plyometric Workout  - Balancing Bites Nutrition.png

I love combining weight lifting with plyometric workouts. There is something about lifting heavy weights combined with an explosive move. It makes me feel strong and athletic.

 Today’s workout gave me all of those feelings. Plus, a few moments of wanting desperately to lie down.

 I used dumbbells for this workout, but you could use a barbell, sandbag, or kettlebells.

Dumbbell and Plyometric Workout

This workout is 20 minutes for 5 rounds.  You’ll perform the workout every minute on the minute (EMOTM). Each superset starts at the top of the minute. After you complete the superset, you’ll rest until the next minute starts, then begin the second superset at the top of the next minute. Continue in this manner until your 20 minutes is up and you’ve completed 5 rounds.

10 bent over rows + 10 burpees (no push up)

10 goblet squats + 10 squat jacks

10 overhead press + 10 clapping push-ups (do them on your knees if needed)

10 straight leg deadlift to high pull + 10 tuck jumps

Don’t forget to maintain proper form and record your workout. Let me know what you think of the workout.

Strength and Plyometric Workout - Balancing Bites Nutrition.png