Quick Strength Workout and Yoga Flow

Happy Monday, friends!

This summer has been flying by, although I feel every day is on super speed. The other day I listened to a podcast episode where the guy was talking about how time felt fast and out of control for him. To get control of his time, he started to focus on the present moment. If he was making a sandwich, he would only think about spreading the mayo, then adding meat, then adding cheese, etc. He wouldn’t think about anything else. I thought that was a brilliant idea.

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Quick Strength Workout & Yoga Flow

Happy Tuesday, friends!

I’ve been spending a lot of time decluttering and organizing my home these past couple of weeks. It feels like it’s been a long time coming. I typically wait until my kids are out of school, so that they can have some input into what we donate or trash. Last Friday, my kids and I tackled their bedroom and clothes. It took us 4 hours from start to finish. I ended up walking over 7 miles in my house decluttering! That’s crazy.

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5 Ways to Practice Self-Love Through Fitness

I know so many people that view fitness as only a way to burn calories and fat. They typically dread working out and eventually quit all together. This tends to result with a negative mindset on fitness in general.

Instead of viewing fitness as a means to weight loss, consider seeing it as a way to express self-love. That’s right, fitness is a form of self-love. Move your body because you love it. You’re your body because you are grateful and appreciate it. Below are 5 ways to practice self-love through fitness.

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5 Ways to Fit Exercise in a Busy Life

Nowadays everyone is busy. Busy with work, school, family, home chores, etc.  How is it some people are able to balance fitness with their crazy schedules and others are not?

It comes down to priorities and making time. Then eventually it becomes a habit. I’ve been working out regularly for 24 years. For me it is similar to showering. I just do it, whether I want to or not.

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