45 Minute Strength Workout & Yoga Flow

Hi, friends! Happy June. I can hardly believe this year is halfway over. I’m bummed by how fast time is flying by, but super happy it’s summer.

It’s been a while since I last posted. At first, I stopped posting because I needed to focus more of my time on my business and then I wasn’t posting because I didn’t know what to say.

I have a lot of information and content to share on nutrition and yoga, but I get in my head thinking it has all been said. I know that this isn’t the best mindset to have and definitely not true. It’s just that negative mindsets and limiting beliefs have a way of snowballing into a big ball of self-doubt.

In an effort to kick my own behind into gear, I’m sharing a workout and yoga sequence for you to try at home. I don't have time to fit in cardio, lift weights, and practice yoga 5-6 days a week. I started combining weight training with cardio and shortened my yoga flow to become more efficient with my time. So far, it’s working.

45 Minute Strength Workout & Yoga Flow

The strength workout is a quick 15-minute EMOM (every minute on the minute) workout. Start each exercise at the top of the minute. Whatever time you have after completing the reps until the next minute starts is your rest time. Each exercise can be performed by bodyweight only, dumbbells, kettlebells, or resistance bands.

The yoga flow is approximately 30 minutes depending on how much time is spent in each pose. The first 6 poses should take about 5 minutes. The sun salutations and middle column can be flowed according to your breath or held longer. The poses in the middle column will start on your right side then you’ll repeat on your left side before moving on to the last column. The poses in the last column are meant to be held for 3-5 breaths.

Let me know if you give this workout and flow a try.
