Vegetarian Protein Sources

Hi, friends. I’m about a week a half into following a vegetarian diet, well a lacto-ovo vegetarian if we’re being technical, and let me tell you, it’s been a struggle to meet my protein needs while not bombing my carbohydrate and fat needs. I’m definitely more intentional with what I eat than normal, which isn’t a bad thing.

I’ve learned that there is a difference between advising clients on how to follow a vegetarian/vegan diet and actually being on one. Not only do I have to balance my nutrients, but I also have to pay attention to my micronutrients, such as B12, iron, and calcium, to name a few. I’ll get into more detail about how I’m balancing my nutrients in another post.

Balancing Bites Nutrition - Vegetarian Protein Sources

Here is a list of protein sources I’m currently eating. The protein sources with a minimal amount of carbohydrates and/or fats are *starred.

  • Beans, all beans

  • Banza chickpea pasta

  • Lentils

  • Tofu*

  • Quinoa

  • Couscous

  • Cheese*

  • Eggs/Egg whites*

  • Greek yogurt*

  • Premier protein*

Do you have any suggestions on vegetarian protein sources I should definitely check out?