I Paid My Child to Eat

I paid my child with avoidant restrictive food intake disorder, or ARFID to eat.

Why? He challenged me. He asked if he ate all of his lunch plus a grande Starbucks Frappuccino, would I pay him. Yes, I would.

I paid my child with arfid to eat @ balancingbites.com

While many professionals wouldn't agree with my approach, I believe this was a great opportunity for exposure work that he brought up himself. This was huge for him on so many levels, but here are the top three.

1. He has aversive and restrictive ARFID. He has fear and anxiety about vomiting and believes if he eats too much he will throw up. For many years, he continually restricted his intake. His anxiety kept telling him to eat less and less to avoid vomiting. So, for him to eat everything on his plate and a Frappuccino is a huge success. He pushed past his comfort level and dealt head-on with his anxiety.

2. We were at a restaurant. Eating at restaurants is another anxiety of his. This is a common anxiety for most people with ARFID. This can be due to a variety of reasons, such as not being able to find safe or familiar foods, feeling uncomfortable in an unfamiliar setting, or worrying about being judged by others for their restricted eating habits. These anxieties can lead to avoidance of restaurants altogether, which can limit social opportunities and lead to feelings of isolation.

3. I wanted him to prove to himself that he can do it. Anytime you push past anxiety, you are providing evidence that the anxious thought is not true. He will now be able to pull up this memory (evidence) when his anxiety is high. Remember, avoidance increases anxiety. The reverse is also true. Confronting fear decreases anxiety.

He did try to make this deal again at dinner and I told him no. I don't plan to make this a reoccurring event. Continually paying a child to eat is not an effective or sustainable approach to managing their ARFID in the long term. However, I will add it to my toolbox if we ever need to use it.

So, how did it go? He ate everything. He was proud of himself for pushing past his discomfort and achieving something that a year ago he thought was impossible. He was also happy he made $15.

Overall, a big success.

How to Cope with Seasonal Sadness

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is no joke. I never really noticed I get the blahs until I moved to Pennsylvania. I’ve always lived in warm sunny states. During the fall, winter, and spring months, I feel blah and uninterested in most activities.

Our first year living in PA, I distinctly remember shoveling snow in late April, telling my husband it is not supposed to snow in the spring. I remember asking him why anyone would choose to live in a state where you had to shovel in April. I’m pretty sure I was ranting because we obviously chose to live in a state where I had to shovel in April. I remember being frustrated that I had to wear my winter coat at the end of May.

May!!! It’s ludicrous!

Now that I’ve lived here for four years, I know what to expect and those things don’t bother me as much. Unfortunately, I still get the symptoms every year.


How to Cope with Seasonal Sadness - Balancing Bites Nutrition.png

So, what is SAD?

SAD is a type of depression that occurs when the season changes. It usually affects people in either the fall/winter months or spring/summer months.



Typical symptoms include: 

  • Feeling depressed

  • Loss of interest

  • Low energy

  • Sleep loss (spring/summer)

  • Sleeping too much (fall/winter)

  • High appetite (fall/winter)

  • Low appetite (spring/summer)

  • Weight gain (fall/winter)

  • Weight loss (spring/summer)

  • Feeling blah (fall/winter)

  • Feeling anxiety (spring/summer)

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Negative feelings such as guilt or hopelessness

  • Thoughts of death and suicide


When to get help

It can be confusing to understand the difference between feeling blah and straight up depression. It’s best to seek help when you feel you need help and if any of your symptoms have been lasting for long periods of time and/or interrupt your normal activities and routines. Also, seek help if you are using drugs or alcohol to cope or you have thoughts of death or suicide.


Ways to treat SAD

There are many ways to treat minor symptoms of SAD.

  • Continue normal routine and activities

  • Eat a balanced diet of fruit, vegetables, lean protein and fats

  • Up your vitamin D intake

  • If you’re unable to find fresh produce, eat frozen produce

  • For fall/winter SAD, plan a vacation somewhere warm and sunny

  • Exercise

  • Spend time with pets

  • Declutter your home

  • Spend time outdoors

  • Spend time in the sun and open all blinds and curtains

  • Light therapy

  • Meditate

  • Engage in activities you enjoy

  • Socialize

  • Consistent sleep schedule

  • Speak to a profession or attend therapy


Do you have any tips on how to deal with SAD?